An Easy Step-by-step Guide to Reset 2FA on is the most trusted and popular crypto exchange company that is located in Singapore and issues its own exchange tokens known as Cronos (CRO). It was initially founded by Bobby Bao, Kris Marszalek, Gary Or, and Rafael Melo in 2016 and named as “Monaco”. In 2018 it was renamed as allows its users to purchase, sell, trade, and store a wide range of cryptocurrencies. It supports more than 250 cryptocurrencies available in the market and gives offers for reasonable fees and discounts to its users who are the holder of a significant stake in native coin, Cronos (CRO). offers its users Two-Factor Authentication for Security (Two-factor authentication is an additional security layer to your password for your Account). With this 2FA function enabled on your account, you need to provide your 2FA security code at the time of login to your account. In our further content, we will discuss how to reset 2FA on in both cases whether you have a backup 2FA code or not. 

Steps to reset 2FA on if you have 2FA backup code: 

We have mentioned a step-by-step guide that will help you to reset 2FA on if you have saved a backup 2FA security code. 

Step 1: First of all, use one of your saved 2FA codes to log in to your crypto account.

Step 2: After you log in to your crypto account, you have to click on your username located in the top right corner of your screen in the home dashboard and navigate to the settings menu.

Step 3: Click on “Security” under the settings menu and then below the Two-factor Authentication section you have to click on the “Turn off” option.

Step 4: Now you will have to enter a valid 2FA code for the verification process.

Step 5: Once you have verified, your 2FA security will be removed.

Step 6: After following these above steps, now you can again secure your account with fresh 2FA on your device.

Steps to reset 2FA on if you don’t have 2FA backup code: 

We have mentioned a step-by-step guide that will help you to reset 2FA on if you do not have a backup 2FA security code. 

Step 1: First of all, you have to submit a request to the customer support team for a 2FA reset.

Step 2: After receiving your 2FA reset request by the support team, they will ask you to provide your Selfie, and your registered documents to prove the ownership of the account.

Step 3: If the selfie and your registered documents are valid then the support team will approve your 2FA reset request.

Step 4: If the selfie and your registered documents are not valid or appear to be fraudulent then the support team will not approve your 2FA reset request. And you will not be able to reset 2FA on 

Step 5: Once the support team approves your request and verified your ownership, they will remove the 2FA in your account within a period of 1-14 days.

Step 6: When 2FA will be removed from your account by the support team. Then you will be able to sign in again without a 2FA code and can set up a new 2FA on your device.     

Bottom Line:

In our above content, we have covered some topics such as what 2FA is and How to reset 2FA on in both cases whether you have a backup 2FA code or not. Enabling 2FA will protect your account from hackers gaining access to your account.



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