AWAY FROM THE KEYBOARD: 5 Activities that Will Make Your Social Media Detox Meaningful

Compare this era to 10 or 20 years ago. Countless things have turned more possible and available. Modern developments do not fail to catch the world in a surprise as courses of actions have become more determinative. People from across the globe can communicate with one another without having to wait for months. Undeniably, with technology and the Internet’s power, life has gotten into a makeover. The conventional may still be present but modified. It is not new to hear that along with digital innovations’ advantages in human life come pitfalls. What’s also not new anymore is that several of them are brought about by extensive Social Media Detox.

Evidently, social media is functional as it is the tool for making seemingly impossible interactions possible, for introducing personalities and for getting updated with the recent topics and accounts, BUT you need to be responsible. Staying on social media for long hours is unhealthy.

There are buckets of mood-ruining posts, toxic people, hateful remarks and other stressful content that one can witness even just within 5 minutes. False information that leads to worries is all found in different social networking platforms. They get shared, and so, the stress gets shared too. These are just some of the things that make social media a dangerous space to be in.

When these things are weighing you down, and when you notice you are destructively affected, don’t hesitate to go for a SOCIAL MEDIA DETOX. You surely need a break from the chaos of the online sphere and to focus on more worthy things. Realize that this is a choice. It will not happen without your consent and effort. A social media detox is the self-loving opportunity for you to zero in on your self-betterment. Make this break more meaningful with these 5 activities and ideas!


Social media detox

You have fast hands now because of the day-to-day chatting and typing you do online (work purposes are not included here). Maybe, you can type on Messenger with your eyes closed, but being able to (literally) write nicely offline is something to be proud of too!

Level up! Write artistically. Learn calligraphy! This creative style of forming letters and giving them unique life has been very popular. It’s not a secret that the produced results are very satisfying!

Calligraphy can teach you a lot of things that can enhance your personality. Your motor skills are improved. memory is made clearer. patience is heightened. Without a doubt, it is therapeutic and relieving. Even if you believe that your penmanship is not the best, try it now, and see for yourself how learning calligraphy is rewarding.


Social media detox

Staying on social media for a long time makes you long for nature when in fact, you have a personal garden to tend.

Use your social media detox as a time to beautify your plants’ haven. Buy new pots and beds for them. Clean their spaces. Terminate pests. Decorate your garden with eco-friendly string lights, figurines and lanterns. Bond with your darling greens! Maybe, it’s time for you to harvest some veggies too.

Cherish your garden. The lives in it are dear. Put down your cell phone. Pick up the shovel.


Social media detox

Most of the time you are chatting with your loved ones online, you just get connected with them through soundless texts. Do you still remember their voices? How about you try calling them through the telephone?

You can catch up with friends and families using your wired and wireless telephones at home. This is somehow traditional since nowadays, all interactions among people in separate locations are happening through social media. That’s why many households had their telephone subscriptions cut.

However, if you still have a telephone, this social media detox is a golden chance to utilize it! This time, you are neither calling the Internet provider to fix your connection nor answering “sorry-wrong-number” kind of calls. It’s a time to take a look back to the simpler days using an actual telephone! Your friend might be surprised that you called and even more that you still have their telephone number!


Social media detox

Too much use of social media absolutely takes you to the virtual world and puts you away to the REAL reality. When you are too focused on your social media screens and timelines, frequently, you do not realize how messy your room (and even the whole house) becomes.

Social media detox is a way to filter out dirt and trash that your mind sucked in from the buzz of social media. It is like recollecting yourself as you control your own online habits. The more you stay offline, the more you will certainly feel yourself getting refined as a human.

With that, this social media hiatus is also your shot to clean the rooms which you have always told yourself, “I’m cleaning them tomorrow,” but it has never happened yet. It’s time to mop the staircases, wipe the walls and sweep the floors.

Visit those rooms which are not storage rooms but seem like they are. What are you planning to do with those unused bottles, old moving boxes, dusty bags, outdated newspapers and worn-out couches piled up in them? Segregate your usable items and those to be thrown out.

Make sure your house is cleaner than your social media profiles.


Social media detox

Don’t deny it. Many days of your lack of sleep are a result of unhealthy social media usage.

As you take a social media break, consider it as a functional time to redeem sleep! Take proper rest. Your body needs to recharge, and sleep is the way!

Wash and replace your bedsheets. Put your sleeping eye mask on. Hug your fluffy pillows or stuffed toys. Relish the refreshing feeling that sleeping brings! You won’t need to tweet about feeling sick in the morning when you value sleeping on time at night!


Boundless clicking, tapping and scrolling on your cyber-timelines can make you squander time beyond price if what you are doing is nothing beneficial. Don’t forget that what you get exposed to has an impact on your mental and emotional health. See to it that you only cop the good!

Trying to take a break from social media may be a big struggle at first if you are used to being online everyday. Sometimes, your hands itch to unlock your phone and browse your social media accounts. It’s the same for others who consider going online as part of their lifestyles.

Turning to a social media detox is for a meaningful purpose. It means you are concerned over your well-being and tip-top health. With this, you can nurture a more gainful lifestyle that you will thank yourself for allowing. Away from the keyboard you may be, but a better reality you will see.


Social media detoxNicole Ann Pore is a writer, an events host and a voice over artist. She finds quality and well-researched writing as a worthwhile avenue to enlighten and delight others about things that matter. For her, it’s restoring and fulfilling to the heart and a great way to clear the mind while loading it up with fresh learning. Film critiquing and filmmaking are among her interests too. Giving all the glory to God, Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.


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